APS Employees Continue MSHA Certifications
In response to the firm’s growing technical presence in the mining industry, APS has increased the number of technical staff certified for work in these facilities. The latest group of certifications gives the firm the ability to provide MSHA certified technical staff in each engineering discipline of practice.
The Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA), a division of the US Department of Labor, regulates and is responsible for occupational safety programs and reporting in the surface and sub-surface mine industry. The purpose of the MSHA is to prevent death, disease, and injury from mining and to promote safe and healthful workplaces for the Nation’s miners. The rules and regulations set forth by MSHA are also extended to personnel, that may not be miners by trade, but are also working within the confines of a regulated facility. This includes the execution of engineering field work. APS maintains both MSHA Part 46 & Part 48 certifications, as well as certification from the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of Mines, Minerals & Energy (DMME).
APS is proud of its certified employees and their dedication to safety in the workplace, especially when operating in client facilities. Continuous improvement and training programs are in place to provide clients with the highly trained individuals they expect from APS.